Handling Drupal attributes in components

10th of January 2019
As a Front-End developer, working with Twig and Drupal is a pretty liberating thing which presents all kinds of posibilies, but it can also open the doors to breaking things Drupal counts on.

Building a Drupal Theme with the Theme Generator

30th of March 2020
The Mediacurrent Theme Generator is a scaffolding tool to help you build production-ready Drupal 8 themes that are component-based-ready out of the box.

Building an automated DDEV-based Drupal environment

29th of June 2020
As a trainer, having an environment that is easy to setup to achieve consistency among all students is key for a successful training workshop.

Demystifying components integration with Drupal

17th of June 2021
Components integration with Drupal can be a complicated task, but there are also ways in which this task can be simplified. This post shows you how.

Drupal base path

27th of September 2023
There are times when building a Drupal site you need to dynamically point to an asset or resource that may not be saved in the database but instead is located somewhere in the site's file system.

Responsive images in Drupal - a guide

27th of October 2023
The challenge is finding the balance between enhancing the look of your website through the use of images and not jeopardizing performance.

Art Direction using the picture HTML element

27th of October 2023
In the context of responsive images, art direction is the ability to display differently-cropped images based on the device size.

Image resolution switching using srcset and sizes attributes

27th of October 2023
Resolution switching uses identical images that are simply larger or smaller based on the device but retain the same aspect ratio and cropping settings.

Image styles in Drupal

27th of October 2023
I'd like to think of Drupal's image styles as templates for cropping and sizing images.

Responsive image styles

27th of October 2023
Responsive image styles in Drupal are bundles that contain one or more image styles.

Responsive images and Media

27th of October 2023
In Drupal, the core Media module manages the creation, editing, deletion, settings, and display of media entities.

Responsive images, the end

27th of October 2023
In Drupal, the core Media module manages the creation, editing, deletion, settings, and display of media entities.